Month of Love!
Happy February! We’re now in the month of love, and what better way to celebrate this month than by introducing a new eco-friendly product? Way Basics would like to introduce our Collapsible Storage Bin, made from strips of newspaper that are hand-woven together. Through careful designing, it has been made into a collapsible storage box, with handles for easy carrying. The dimensions fit perfectly into one of our Way Basics cubes, and because every bin is made of different newspapers, each one is personal and unique. But these bins are limited edition, so act fast to claim your own!

Way Basics wants to remind you to love and help take care of the environment. Every year, thousands of units of furniture, literally tons, build up in our nation’s landfills. Much of this furniture, unfortunately, is completely useable, or can be made so with very little effort. Removing stains, stitching gaps, replacing springs, steam cleaning, and other methods can be used to fix up old furniture instead of throwing it out. Way Basics helps out with our recyclable furniture that’s also 100% post-consumer paper, so we completely reuse material that has already been through the consumption process. Help reduce our nation’s already-crowded landfills and find other creative ways of using and reusing your furniture!