Indoor Air Pollution Can Kill!

February 04, 2013

According to the, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that indoor air pollution can be 2 - 5 times more polluted than the air outside. Mind numbing, isn't it?! Our homes are supposed to be a safe haven and yet they can cause allergies, asthma attacks and other respiratory conditions. At Way Basics, we would like to help you cleanse your home so it truly can be a place of solitude and health! Here are some of the most common causes of indoor pollution and what you can do to combat the dangers! 

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1. Smoking - Sort of a "duh" moment there but think about how dangerous second hand smoke is in the outside world, and then trap all those carcinogens into an enclosed space. Even after cleaning, cigarette smoke sinks into everything. Suggestion:Make a designated outside smoking area. I know, I know, it isyourhome but think of your guests and family members, children, pets etc.

2. Paint -It sure is pretty but also extremely toxic. Of course lead isn't an ingredient in paint anymore, but there are still other toxins that are released many days or months after an area has been painted. Suggestion:Ventilate, Ventilate, Ventilate! Also look for low VOC or no-VOC paints (VOC is the organic compound that is toxic). If you are getting a professional to paint for you, specify what you want because the toxic compound stays in your house long after they are gone!

3. Dirt -Another no brainer, but dirt on the floor and furniture is the perfect breeding ground for allergens. Suggestion: This is a no fun one, but necessary, get your vacuum out and use it! Put on some music, pretend it is a mic, whatever it takes to suck those dust bunnies up!

4. Household Cleaners -As they wage battle against the dirt in your home, they also attack your lungs and brain (metaphorically of course... sorta). Chemical cleaners are extremely dangerous especially for children and women who may be pregnant. You know that tip about processed food? Look at the label and if you don't understand the ingredients, don't eat it. Same sorta thing, if you don't know what is in the cleaners, chances are there are toxins that are killing the dirt and your brain cells. Suggestion:Buy or make non-toxic cleaners. Check out our Facebook tomorrow for our top suggestions (or Google "Home Made Non-Toxic Cleaners"!

5. Formaldehyde -This is the one that we especially wage war on! Formaldehyde is just as dangerous as asbestos and mold and yet it is found in most of your furniture! Formaldehyde is used widely in the manufacturing of chipboard/ particle board (the stuff that all IKEA furniture is made out of). This stuff is extremely hazardous as it continues to release toxic gas into your household for as long as you own it. Scary, huh?! Suggestion: Buy furniture products that do not contain PCB or formaldehyde. Example, all of our zBoard products (ie. Storage Cubes) are completely non-toxic.Pretty cool, huh? zBoard storage shelves look and are in the same price range as IKEA bookshelves and yet are not releasing toxins into your home!

Phew, that was a long one. I think I should go open a window and let in some fresh air while I let all this learning sink in (ps. opening windows in your home- KEY to decreasing pollution). This is just the start of our Healthy Home Campaign. Check our Facebook/ Google + tomorrow for some non-toxic cleaning product suggestions!

PS. I, Deborah, am the Marketing Manager for Way Basics and coordinating this month of Healthy activities! See me here ---->


and contact me through Facebook or by commenting below for any questions and suggestions!

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